Saturday, November 21, 2009

Masterpiece of writing from Heckler(SMH)

I HATE vegetarians, with their sanctimonious, prissy, holier than-thou-attitude and determination to be as big a pain in the arse as they can be.

Take the dinner party. Out comes the food and out comes the wail: "Oh, but I'm a vegetarian." Oh, brilliant. A bucketload of guilt for your host, and even if you warned them it's still a bloody nuisance to have to prepare something special for you. Would it kill you to eat meat just this once?

Vegetarianism has until recently been the sole realm of the food crank.

Suddenly it's all the fashion, another symptom of the affluenza sweeping the developed world. Young women make the lives of restaurateurs and dinner hosts a misery; earnest environmental worthies tell us on breakfast TV that they have become vegetarians to save the planet. Apparently all the farting cattle are contributing to global warming and using up too much water. Try living in the Third World - citizens there are grateful for every bit of protein they can get.

Vegetarianism is gluttony, the gluttony of delicacy to have your food and drink served to you just the way you want it, no matter what inconvenience it causes others. Not eating meat or fish or eggs because of the cruelty or slaughter or factory farming is not going to make one iota of difference to those animals' lives. Buying food that is not factory farmed and pressuring politicians to legislate for the more humane treatment of livestock will.

In any case, livestock and domestic animals have made a pretty good bargain with us. They are fed better than they would be in the wild, they are protected from predators and parasites and they have medical support and treatment that they would never get in the wild. Yes they have to lay down their lives for us and we regularly steal their offspring from them, but this would happen in the wild too. Not eating meat because you can't bear the thought of dead flesh indicates psychological issues.

To me, it seems to be mainly young women who fall for the vegetarian (or worse) vegan claptrap. Is this the same reason that anorexia and other eating disorders seem to be the preserve of this demographic? In that case vegetarianism could be seen as just another mental illness. So stop being so prissy about your food and sink your teeth into a nice juicy steak. After all you have nothing to lose but your hang-ups.


  1. That is hilariously well written!! Such a good point about the dinner party. can't they just eat meat for one night only???

  2. Love it Chef!!! Truly inspired! If only there were more Chefs like us! The veggies would have nowhere to run! Haha.


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